KCC 2025-2026 Preschool Registration

Thank you for your interest in enrolling your preschooler in Kid Central CNY's Preschool Program.

Our preschool program for 3 year olds is 3 days/week M/W/F from 9-11:30a  - OR -  5 days/week M-F 9-11:30a.

Our preschool program for 4 year olds is 5 days/week M-F 9-11:30a.  


Registration fee (non-refundable):     $100

20% discount if registration is received by March 31, 2025

(Invoice will be sent via email. Payment can be made online; click the link within the email.)


Please follow the steps below and submit:

Step 1 - Complete all fields in the form below for each child being registered. 

Step 2 - Submit form.

After registration form is submitted and processed, you will be contacted via email with the additonal items needed to fully complete the registration process.  

We are looking forward to serving your family at Kid Central CNY Preschool!


*NOTE*:  This form will "time-out" if left unattended.  Be sure to have the following information ready before beginning - medical insurance & 2 emergency contacts information.


How Did You Hear About Us?

Program Applying For

Child Information

Parent/Guardian Information

Tip: *this will be the primary account contact for billing and communications

Tip: Note: If a secondary contact is not listed, please re-enter the primary contact's cell phone number.

Child's Medical/Insurance Information

A copy of your child's current physical is required to be provided prior to his/her first day of preschool.

Emergency Contact Information

Please list (2) Emergency Contacts (other than child's parents) whom Kid Central CNY staff may contact in the event of an emergency if the parents cannot be reached. 

Note: Copy of each person's driver's license is required.


By completing and submitting this form, I authorize the following Emergency Contacts to pickup my child in the event of an emergency if parent(s) cannot be reached.


Billing Contact

Please complete this section with the primary billing contact's information. This is the person who will receive invoices and make payments. 

Permissions & Authorizations

The below digital signatures shall constitute an original for all purposes set forth. Please provide full name.

Emergency Medical Treatment Authorization

I hereby give Kid Central CNY staff members permission to administer basic first aid and/or CPR to my child, as named below, and/or take my child, as named below, to a hospital for medical treatment when I cannot be reached or when delay would be dangerous to my child's health.

Parental Visit Notice

I understand that I may visit the Kid Central CNY Preschool programming unannounced at any time during the hours that my child is in care.

Permission to Administer Over-The-Counter Topical Products

I give permission to Kid Central CNY to apply the topical, over-the-counter products I have checked below to my child, according to the label and/or package instructions. I agree that a brand name or generic product will be used, unless I have supplied Kid Central CNY with a specific product brand. All parent-supplied over-the-counter products must be kept in their original packaging and labeled with child's first and last name. Please bring in products that have a printed expiration date on the packaging.

Policy Regarding Release of Children

I understand that Kid Central CNY accepts responsibility for my child upon his/her arrival to the program. Kid Central CNY will not be responsible after my child leaves the program as authorized on the enrollment form. Chidren will be allowed to leave the program with persons other than the parent only if written permission has been given to Kid Central CNY staff. I understand that any changes to the arrival/departure arrangements must be made in writing to the Kid Central CNY staff.

Authorization for Photographs and Video Recording